In The Forgotten Pact, Rowan Thorne Ashwood weaves a tale of magic, sacrifice, and ancient alliances teetering on the brink of collapse. The story follows Kairo, a young lion of the Lion Clan, as he discovers that the leyline magic-the source of balance in their world-is faltering. When Kairo begins to hear the distant whispers of Eldara, the Grand Magister who mysteriously vanished, he knows that something far darker than inter-clan rivalry is threatening their world.
As tensions rise between the clans-Lions, Wolves, Foxes, Raccoons, and others-the fragile peace upheld by the ancient pact begins to unravel. Each clan faces internal power struggles while an ominous force lurks beyond their borders. Kairo, driven by his deep connection to the leyline magic and Eldara's warnings, defies his father, the Lion Clan's leader, and embarks on a perilous journey. Along the way, he encounters treacherous allies, discovers secrets long buried, and faces a dangerous choice: restore the leyline magic and save their world, or risk losing everything to the growing darkness.
With themes of loyalty, sacrifice, and the weight of ancient promises, The Forgotten Pact is an epic fantasy adventure where the bonds of friendship and family will be tested against forces beyond their control.