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The Library of Unfinished Business (Bell, Patricia / Bell, Patricia (Künstler) / Thorpe, David (Gelesen) / Preddy, Jessica (Gelesen))
The Library of Unfinished Business
Autor Bell, Patricia / Bell, Patricia (Künstler) / Thorpe, David (Gelesen) / Preddy, Jessica (Gelesen)
Verlag Aurora
Sprache Englisch
Mediaform Audio Download
Erscheinungsjahr 2024
Seiten 0 S.
Artikelnummer 45914834
Verlagsartikelnummer 978-1-399-14038-6
ISBN 978-1-399-14038-6
Plattform MP3
CHF 32.00
Maurice, a small-town librarian, dies one Monday morning in a fiery car crash. Finding himself in a very unexpected afterlife, he befriends Kit, who knows more than he should about Heaven - and about Maurice's life on Earth. Meanwhile, Maurice's daughter Andy struggles to come to terms with the death of her ineffectual father. Tasked with preparing his eulogy, she starts writing letters to him, trying to make sense of her family's history. As Andy comes closer to discovering a long-hidden secret, Maurice and Kit uncover a terrifying heavenly plot, and for the first time ever Maurice must decide: will he stand and fight for something . . . or risk losing everything?