Here you will find in-depth, quality information on the vitamins - all in one handy place. This ebook is a trusted resource for people seeking to make sense of the plethora of often-confusing information about vitamins and supplements. Learn where vitamins are naturally found, how much your body needs each day, the richest sources, symptoms of overdose and deficiency, the official Recommended Dietary Intakes (RDI), easy ways to get your day's needs and how cooking or processing affect each vitamin. Whether you're looking to boost your health during pregnancy, to slow aging or you're just feeling run down , this guide about vitamins and supplements will give you all the information you need. You will find complete usage and dosage recommendations for the 14 basic vitamins. You'll be guided through the options that are likely to do you some good, and warned of those with the potential to harm. With clear understandable explanations, the most current scientifically-documented guidelines, and easy-to-follow lists, Vitamins - What, Why and Where is your concise to-the-point guide.