Meet the Messenger
I have enjoyed many roles: mother, grandmother, businesswoman, facilitator, writer and poet, mentor, catalyst, and activist-always looking for a fresh path to resolution. I have shared closely in the profound change, healing, and restoration of those responsive to my tutelage and guidance.
Recently, I was honored by this tribute:
"Wisdom Weaver"
I have also vaulted many emotional and physical hurdles. But, alas, living, like a lovely lyrical poem, is energy in motion. And in spite of some upsets, I dance a joyful jig. My motto is always, "Life is a verb, motion is it's essence." It's a matter of trusting the wholeness, where the harvest is always abundant.
My life dedicated to fostering change in myself and in the larger body of humanity. This glorious journey to inner peace begins with a tranquil heart.
Most Gratefully,
DeAnna Lococo
To learn more about DeAnna and her work, please visit: