Michael Thomas Gilbride worked for more than 30 years in the classroom in public, private and parochial school systems of New York both as a teacher and as a School Psychologist. He is currently retired though he continues to work privately with autistic children and their parents. He reflects on struggles for human rights both for teachers and students as he made his way through various school systems, With the publication of his second book he is applying for membership in PEN International. He is already a member of the New York State Psychological Association and the American Psychological Association and the Modern Language Association. He currently divides his time between Puerto Rico and New York, In Puerto Rico he has his license in Psychology. Michael looks forward to writing and reflecting upon his career in his retirement. He lives with his wife of 17 years Providencia Castro Apolinaris who with Venezualan Author Iris Tocuyo wrote and produced: "Carlina: Una Historia de Amor y Superacion." Michael previously wrote a short book "Letters," which is available online through major book retailers. Michael can be reached at either his email address: Mtgilbride@aol.com.