Iwona Eberle, born in 1974, is a self-employed writer, publisher, editor and journalist who lives in Zurich.
She studied English and German at the universities of Zurich, Cambridge and Munich. She has worked as an editor at the Zürichsee Zeitung newspaper and at the Sauerländer Verlag, and has been self-employed since 2009. During the summer she particularly likes to spend time in, near or on the water. In the winter she enjoys West Coast Swing and Bal Folk dancing. Christoph (Chrigu) Hurni, born in 1975, is a dispatcher for the Bern-Lötschberg-Simplon railway. As such, his day job is to direct regional train traffic in Bern, where he lives. In his free time, he loves to travel through Switzerland by train, bus, boat and inflatable dinghy and document his adventures with his camera. During inclement weather, he strums his acoustic guitar, plays piano or attends rock concerts. |