Murphy's Law is one of the most well-recognized statements of philosophy known to man. Tipped off by his next door neighbor that a man named Murphy may have worked at Edwards Air Force Base, and that the Law may have come into being after a rocket sled experiment went awry, author Nick T. Spark beings a Quixotic quest to learn the truth. His attempts to pin down the mysterious origins of The Law and to answer the eternal question, "Who was Murphy and what is the true meaning of Murphy's Law?" are both amusing and revelatory. It's non-fiction at its funniest, and full of information guaranteed to amuse, educate, and make you think. Originally published in four issues of the ridiculous magazine The Annals of Improbable Research, and featuring winners of the Ig Nobel prize, this new ebook version contains a greatly expanded exploration of all things Murphy, numerous photographs, and a new foreword and afterword. Read it, and find out why everything you ever thought you knew about Murphy's Law -- is wrong.