This new book discusses mathematical computations relating to high explosives. This aspect of high explosives are generally not covered exclusively and exhaustively and are relegated to secondary status, giving chemistry, hydrodynamics and performance as primary concerns for high explosives. This novel book is first attempt to understand physics, chemistry, explosive molecules and compositions, manufacturing, detonation velocity, TNT equivalence etc through the mathematical paradigm. The emphasis on mathematical aspects makes the science of high explosives definite, lucid and interesting. Another aspect of the book is emphasis on simple mathematical tools. All equations are derived and trials molecules are investigated aptly and completely. This gives assertive and predictive tools to the readers about the high explosives. The book has compilation of literature till 2012. The exhaustive list of reference articles, reports and books for further reading are helpful to the readers for further investigation in a particular field. The book is suitable for Defence research, production and quality control establishments, Army, Navy, Air-forces, Paramilitary and police force, Academic institutions, Graduate and post-graduate students, Researchers etc. Main features of the books: o First attempt to understand complex science of explosives through mathematical tools o Simple and illustrative language of ease of understanding o Illustrates all aspects of the mathematical science of high explosives o Includes latest references (till 2012) from peer reviewed journals. o Offers examples for the development of assertive and predictive capabilities o Motivates wide range of readers