They were born in the 1920's. They grew up in the 1930's during theGreat Depression. They went to war in the 1940's. They served in thearmed forces during World War II. They became part of what is nowknown as the Greatest Generation.This account shares their ancestry, life stories and many experiences thatshaped their destinies as members of the Greatest Generation. There'smore truth than fiction in these accounts of their lives. It's a some whatfictionalized account of true stories about two cousins, their best friend, and their distant cousin, a knock-kneed freckled-face kid of a girl, and theirfamilies. It's also about some of their ancestors and historical events thathelped shape their beings. Some is about their ancestral family lore. Someis about their wartime experiences and the aftermath.Their story provides an unblemished insightful awareness of the depthof adversity and character of a generation whose final destiny now loomson the ever closer horizon to soon be gone forever.This is their story