Take a deep dive into all things scary from the present day to legends dating back a thousand years. Everything from Bram Stoker's Dracula to Twilight and True Blood for the vampire fans. But why stop there? Frankenstein, werewolves, mummies, zombies, witches and warlocks (yes, they’re real), the supernatural, aliens and much more are all covered in this comprehensive, illustrated guide.
Spanning books to film to legends, horror is one of the highest grossing franchises around. At a time when Americans spend $6 billion at retail every Halloween, this book is the backbone of what makes being scared so fascinating and so much fun. It also takes a look at the current world of horror, how it has changed, and how a modern horror movie could win an Academy Award.
From Blair Witch to Walking Dead, Texas Chain Saw Massacre, Scary Movie, Nightmare on Elm Street, Friday the 13th, and the crossover into real life haunted houses, this book has it all. Any fan of horror will want to immerse themselves in this extensive look at one of pop culture's most popular genres.
We love Halloween, and apparently we love to be scared!