Keep-in-Step is an adventure to make reading,
learning, and other mental and physical activities
easier. Reading and learning the ideas presented in
this book are made easier by skipping to the
'HOW TO' section. The text is helpful to educators
and active people using the technique. Use of
the routine increases creativity, memory retrieval,
attention span, learning, and coordination. The
benefits of the Keep-in-Step technique will be
quickly observable in many aspects of daily activity. The benefits start immediately and attained
levels of proficiency remain. Lengthy diagnosis
time is unnecessary, since the technique works
whether the source of the difficulty is known or
unknown. The most dramatic results are demonstrated
in folks that have minor blocks to learning.
Severe special needs may require special directions
and modifications as well as repeated use of
the Keep-in-Step routine.
Successes of a diverse group of people with
different interests and difficulties will be demonstrated
in the case histories, also known as SUCCESS
STORIES. This routine has been distilled
from different fields of study including Sensory
Motor Integration, especially with the trampoline,
and Neuro-Linguistic Programming.