Monique Ferrell is a poet and fiction writer. She is the author of three books of poetry: Attraversiamo (NYQ Books, 2016), UNSTEADY (NYQ Books, 2011), and Black Body Parts (Cross]Roads Press, 2002). Her writing has appeared in American Poetry Review, North American Review, Antioch Review, Cimarron Review, and New York Quarterly, among other creative writing journals, as well as the anthologies Token Entry, Out of the Rough, The Place Where We Dwell, and RABBIT EARS: TV POEMS (NYQ Books, 2015). Beyond her creative writing pursuits, Ferrell is co- founder of 2 Bridges Review, co-editor of the feminist criticism text Looking for the Enemy: The Eternal Internal Gender Wars of Our Sisters, and author of a myriad of scholarly publications on writing, race, gender equality, and pop culture issues including the forthcoming book The Seduction Deduction: Erotica, Intellect, and God- like Transformation in Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson. Currently, she is a Professor of English and teaches Literature, Gender & Sexuality Studies, and Composition in New York City.