Cosmic Navigator is an entirely new kind of astrology book that combines ageless personality insights with the deeper archetypal wisdom of Kabbalah, providing readers with answers to many of life's most important questions: When will I find my soul mate? How do I get along with my Gemini teenager? Where do I fit in this world? Will I ever be a leader? Am I bound to my astrological fate or can I change it?By marrying the traditional constellations and planets to the mystical lore of Kabbala, Sasson pushes astrology beyond the two-dimensional chart on the page. This thoroughly innovative approach unveils the keys that will allow anyone to access the hidden powers of the twelve signs and use those forces to build a better life, whether they are seeking financial and career opportunities, enhanced intimacy with friends and family, their true love, or drastically improved health. Based on workshops developed and taught by Gahl Sasson over the past decade, Cosmic Navigator affords readers the thrilling opportunity to learn why they are the way they are, and shows them how to use the potent tools supplied by these spiritual traditions to create purpose, serenity, and a life exactly as they'd like it.
Gahl Sasson's second book, Cosmic Navigator, is like a GPS for the soul. It combines Astrology, the map of where and who we are, with Kabbalah the navigation system that tells us how to get to our goal and avoid those traffic patterns and areas of gridlock in our lives. This three part text is the first book of its kind. Not only is it the first book to use Astrology as a resource for self help, it also weds the wisdom of ancient Kabbalisitic truths with the powerful archetypes of the zodiac to help you improve and change your life. The first part of the book introduces the basic concepts of Kabbalah and Astrology and how they work together. The second part teaches you how to interpret your own astrological chart as the road map of your life. The third and final part of the book, which is based on Gahl's twelve week workshop, walks the reader through the twelve signs and teaches them how to use each one to bring balance and success into their lives. Is your love life in need of more passion? Turn to the chapter on Scorpio and learn how to invoke that sexual mysterious energy. Do you need to be more assertive at work? Turn to the chapter on Aries and discover your inner warrior. Unlike other astrology books that simply offer stereotypical profiles, Cosmic Navigator teaches us how to take control of our astrological destinies.