DB2 Developer's Guide is the field's #1 go-to source for on-the-job information on programming and administering DB2 on IBM z/OS mainframes. Now, three-time IBM Information Champion Craig S. Mullins has thoroughly updated this classic for DB2 v9 and v10. Mullins fully covers new DB2 innovations including temporal database support; hashing; universal tablespaces; pureXML; performance, security and governance improvements; new data types, and much more. Using current versions of DB2 for z/OS, readers will learn how to: * Build better databases and applications for CICS, IMS, batch, CAF, and RRSAF * Write proficient, code-optimized DB2 SQL * Implement efficient dynamic and static SQL applications * Use binding and rebinding to optimize applications * Efficiently create, administer, and manage DB2 databases and applications * Design, build, and populate efficient DB2 database structures for online, batch, and data warehousing * Improve the performance of DB2 subsystems, databases, utilities, programs, and SQL stat
DB2 Developer's Guide, Sixth Edition builds on the unique approach that has made previous editions so valuable. It combines: * Condensed, easy-to-read coverage of all essential topics: information otherwise scattered through dozens of documents * Detailed discussions of crucial details within each topic * Expert, field-tested implementation advice * Sensible examples
The Definitive Solutions-Oriented Guide to DB2 for z/OS: Now Fully Updated for Both v9 and v10!
DB2 Developer's Guide is the world's #1 go-to source for on-the-job information on programming and administering DB2. Now, three-time IBM Information Champion Craig S. Mullins has thoroughly updated this classic for the newest versions of DB2 for z/OS: DB2 V9 andV10.
This Sixth Edition builds on the unique approach that has made previous editions so valuable. It brings together condensed, easy-to-read coverage of all essential topics: information otherwise scattered through dozens of IBM and third-party documents. Throughout, Mullins offers focused drill-down on the key details DB2 developers need to succeed, with expert, field-tested implementation advice and realistic examples.
Extensive updates address IBM's latest DB2 for z/OS innovations and best practices. Mullins introduces DB2's newest data types, performance and security enhancements, pureXML support, and much more. Whether you're a professional DB2 developer, DBA, sysadmin, or advanced user, this book will make you more productive, effective, and successful.
Coverage includes
. Modern DB2 SQL tools, tips, and tricks
. Best practices for data definition, indexing, and change management
. Large objects and object/relational databases
. Temporal data support
. DB2 security, authorization, and auditing
. Dynamic SQL programming and DB2 stored procedures
. "Under the hood" with the DB2 Optimizer and Catalog
. Performance monitoring in-depth: EXPLAIN, object monitoring, and RTS
. REORG, RUNSTATS, REBIND: superior approaches to managing DB2 access path changes
. DB2 tuning: environment, components, and resource governing
. Optimizing DB2 utilities and commands